Mohawks Rock

how difficult is it to get a job sporting a mohawk? Fucking hard as hell. What jobs will hire you in Missouri with a mohawk? Idk. And i don't know what to do, i need a fucking job.

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down, nah, i'm a girl doode, and they automatically judge me for it, just because i have a mohawk. but a wig, hrm.. i'm gonna check that out! have to find out where i can find one inexpensive .
I thought about doing that too, but then I realized that I would never wear my hair up. So it would be a tad pointless for me. =/
I am having the same problem...i have been unemployeed for 2 weeks now and i'm about to chop it off =/
2 weeks???!?!?!?!? and already about to get rid of it???!!!
Ive been searching for a job since May! :O
Still miserably poor.
Ive set my "you can't get a job with out cutting it off date" to Jan 1st. D:
So I'm getting kinda desperate haha.
I just got a letter from the company I worked for the last two years (it's a seasonal job) and they pretty much hired me back then they called me and I talked to them and I have job but they haven't seen my hair so it will be interesting to see what their reaction is.
Good luck to you! I wish I had some sort of job, even seasonal.
Well, a seasonal job might be more forgiving, so they may not cause a fuss - here's hoping! What type of work is it?
I'd say going for temporary, seasonal jobs would be your best bet for acceptance or if you can find a job where you aren't dealing with the public or a small shop that sells unusual, punky stuff. Or maybe a comic-book or gizmo & gadget stores maybe?
I have a warehouse job because its more likely they won't cause a fuss and I don't have to deal with people as much.
i could not do that job, i once tried to work at a meat place, and those mother fuckers put me in the freezer to stack shit and what not, it didn't last long tho, i was a replacement.
I work in a supermarket, but when they hired me I didn't have the hawk (been there 4 years).

I've applied to work at GAME and the manager didn't seem to care (but it was down when I went in).
my boss is desperate for crew and doesnt give a fuck if uv got "one of them funny things on ur head" its a piss awful job however


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