Mohawks Rock

Hello agian just wondering about a couple of things

1. Is there a limit on mohawk size like how far can you go without looking like a douche xD

2.What looks better with black red or green ?


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1. NO! =p

2. Either. Its a personal preference

I currently have obnoxious bright red sides and a green mohawk with my dark roots coming in on it so it is like red, green, AND black. looks pretty awesome I think.
1. Well any large mohawk makes you look like a douche when your riding in a car, lawl I have to have my moon roof open to drive around.

2. I'd say green and black, But eh. Like Sonic said its your hair.
1: i dont knwo really different peoples hair is different some cant have really big hawks i know i an get mine to like 6 inch then starts being wierd

2: depends what green tbh if like a turquoise then yeah if not go with the red
1.haha fuck no!
2.i think black looks best
lol yeah mine was blue but went aqua, then it was red and its now pink, next im going green
24 inches is the guiness world book of records. rawknthehawk is the guys screenname on here who holds the record, but he says its up to 28inches already.

I spray whatever color reads the easiest in the side. =)
1 as long as you want it is good

And what ever color you want it should be awesome


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