Mohawks Rock

Obviously you people care just enough to get upset over it and not debate what-so-ever, but put me down like "I" am scum of the earth. You people are self-absorbed and don't care about anyone but yourselves. You stick to what the majority says because you're afraid to think for yourself.
It is really sad because you're not letting yourself down, but people that care about you too. Thanks for showing me that everybody on this sight is a communist/fascist/evil loving person.
Majority of you are psuedo-intellectuals regardless.
Thanks again!!!

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"Obviously you people care just enough to get upset over it and not debate what-so-ever"

wait a second...
hold on.
from your last posts when i called you out for a debate this is what you had to say:

"if you don't like my posts, don't read them

you're really wasting your time."

and then:

"stop reading my posts and calling me out
its seriously some nonsense.
if you don't agree with it then oh well"

what debating are you doing here im so lost.


"because you're afraid to think for yourself."
you are taking ANYTHING that has "anti-America" in it and believing it, who the fuck cares on what its saying , ur taking it in like baby does baby food. YOUR the one not thinking for yourself and thats whats getting everyone mad, because you refuse to believe or even HEAR any other sides of the story. your just closing your ears going "your all stupid and u ahte your country and you don't think lalallalalaal"

i dont know about others, but im against my government. NOT because im told to, because i learn about it. get that LEARN about it, and formulate my own opinion of the subject at hand. i don't go running around (like you) looking for any bullshit anti-obama propaganda and believing in it. (im canadian anyways)

please once again, show how any of us are communists or fascist. if ANYONE is fa fascists it would be you, because people don't believe you you believe to be off with there heads, because people don't believe the same beliefs as you or are the same way as you there dumb and dont think for themselves...speak of your own actions before you speak of others.

what site did you grab that from? im guessing

one of the few thigns that REALLY piss me off are ignorant people. if your going to fucking state something, and then downtalk everyone thats against it, AT LEAST show prof. youll get no where otherwise.

im still waiting for any type of source for the bullshit you post, or even half a debate out of you.

for others:sorry for my language.
Complete disregard for the decree.
its conflict and debate.

here lies the conflict!! i'm not trying to debate anything gosh!!!

ugh. i just don't know what to tell you, sorry
Maybe it'd be a better debate if every reply you made was something other than "yeah well you're dumb" or "don't read my posts" or "you don't even know".
I don't even care what you have to say anymore but the making of 394839284328 new boards a day about the same goddamn thing is getting really old.
Take a hint and stfu dude.

Also, "site". Also, what the fuck do you care if we're communists or fascists. People have different beliefs on a site made to bring together people with not much in common other than a haircut? HOLY SHIT NO WAY.


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