Mohawks Rock

does anone have any advise on quiting smoking ive tried nicorette and tho it stops the craving and all ability to taste it doesnt break the physical habit and relaxation of it so i keep smoking

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I heard if you have a stroke, your brain forgets your addicted to nicotine, and you no longer have cravings.. but for serious advice I have none I tryed to quit smoking a couple years ago.. went two weeks then started smoking again. If you wanted just to smoke for the habit of doing so, you could get like herbal ciggerettes, but they taste like crap. My friend had one.. they taste weird but no nicotine.
I know a few people who have actually used gum and candy as a way of quiting. They go to 7 11 for the routine of buying the cigs, and just get a bag of candy, usually something that resembles a ciggarette. That should help with the actual routine of smoking. After a while of replace it with a bar of candy that is somewhat similar to the cigs you should get used to it, and it will become easier to break the habbit. Its what i'm doing for pot. I've been sober for a bout a month, and candy has helped me big. I know it sounds kinda ridiculous and stupid, but give it a shot.
Fortunately, I've never picked up a cigarette to smoke, only because I know I'd never be able to quit with my personality type.

I'm glad you asked this question though, because the company behind the ZeroNicotine Ad to the bottom right did want to have a link on the site that offers access to their website for free, which is normally $100.

I really have no clue if this is useful to people or not, but I stuck it up there anyhow. If anyone does try the offer, let us know if the site is useful or not. If not, it should come down. Good luck with the journey, sounds like you are already getting some solid advice.
I have the same personality type as Giant Mohawk Man, and have never had the desire to quit. I had emergency gall bladder last winter, and the first thing I did after 5 days in the hospital was to light up Marlboro.

I have a cousin who quit after 40 years of smoking - she did it by sheer willpower.
I quit drinking years ago after graduate school, without the aid of anything, and again it was shear willpower. Make up your mind and stick to it, and you can do anything.

Just don't take away my fondness for a good cup of coffee in the morning.... Oh wait, coffee in moderation is supposed to be good for you (this week, anyway).
thanks for the advice, even tho having a stroke and forgetting about nicotine sounds easiest, i doubt itll happen, in regards to the herbal smokes are you talking about shesha or something else? ur right candy does sound ridicculous but fuck eh ill try anything atleast once (Hmmm thats what caused the problem) ya never know it might help, the thing that makes it hardest is my roommates, girlfriend and most friends smoke did you avoiding spending time with people who influenced your habit when you were quiting?
nah man I aint talking about shesha? isnt that for hookahs? the ones im talking about actuly come in a pack and have filters and there just random herbs.. they taste funky though.
When my pals would go out and smoek, i would just sit back int he room away from them. I let them smoke their cigs and di my own thign for those mfew minutes. After a while of not smoking i could be around someone who smokes and not want it. It just takes dedication and motivation.
yeah motivations the hard part i want to smoke but know i need to quit fuck eh
My advice is to just keep trying. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant. It was hard. I had cravings all the time, even though I felt like shit.
As far as the habit, I ended up eating a lot - I'd carry around goldfish crackers or trail mix and nibble on that all day. Of course, being pregnant I was eating all the time.... But the eating a lot helped occupy my hands/mouth. I also just kept busy as much as I could. I still went to the bar and hung out, but I didn't smoke. After a few months of quitting, smoke smelled nasty to me.
It is hard. I still want one every now and then. I just tell myself no.

Another idea for quitting is to kinda psych yourself out. See if you can go 1 hour w/o a smoke. Then, do 2 hours. Tell yourself that you already went 1 hour, so what's another hour? And another, and another? Next thing you'll be counting days, then weeks.

You DO feel good when you've quit - it's just not immediate. Give it, like, a month or so and you'll notice that you feel better than before.
I've been smoking for over 15 years, I should of said, I used to smoke for 15 years. I haven't touched a cigerette in over 2 months now. Don't crave it at all, have no intrest in it, stand by smokers and see it, smell it all the time. Dosn't bother me at all anymore. How did I do it? I know your thinking that right?

I stolled into a walk in clinic in my town and told them I wanted to quit smoking. I told the doctor I had tried everything... Nicorette, the stupid gum, fucking patches, everything. Nothing worked. She prescribed me Chantix. She said it was a 7 week program that if I followed it, I'd be done. I didn't believe her. But I took the prescription.

I just had it filled, lucky for me my insurance covered it. I took it the first week, followed the instructions, got an industrial bottle of Tylenol PM cause it said you'd have fucked up dreams. Had sick ass stinky farts for days because of the medication. But you know what, it fucking worked. When everything else failed, it fucking worked. After smoking 2 packs a fucking day for over 15 god damn years... I quit.

It's possible. If you just follow the stupid easy ass 7 week program. Which consists of taking a pill in the morning and one before bed. The pill at bed I mixed with my Tylenol PM cocktail. Just did that everyday for 7 fucking weeks. Done.

Apparently, the medication blocks the recepters in your brain from feeling the effects of nictotine. The first week you take the pills and continue smoking, so your body builds a tolerance. Then set your quit date. Where you stop smoking, but keep taking the pills. The first week was kinda tough, because you still have that "What the fuck do I do with my hands" syndrome. But I got gum and candy. After about 3 weeks, you pretty much just go about your day without thinking about it. I think the thing that hit me the hardest, was the amount of fucking time I spent smoking. Each cigerette takes 5 minutes to smoke, X 40 Cigerettes (2 packs a day), that's alot of fucking time!
I have never smoked anything in my life but I did have addiction problems in other ways and I will give you my thoughts.

I started cutting myself up at the age of 15 and this past March at the age of 27 I vowed to quit that shit. (any comments about "emo" will severely piss me off so fuckin save it ok? If you really wanna know about it, research borderline personality disorder and understand that most people that cut themselves are not doing it as a trend)

Cutting to me was what smoking is to those that do it. A release. I would get paranoid or depressed or angry and I would do it. Over and over and over for over a decade.

How did I quit, I wanna say just sheer will power and maybe that is not completely false. Everybody can do that if you keep working on it. I had a lot of backing in my martial arts trainings on how to keep getting up and that I think is the key. If you really want to quit, you need to set a realistic way to do so. Saying I am done is a start but you will go back. The key is in the way we think.

For example, my girlfriend is trying to give up pop. She has gone a week or so now. At just one day I told her I was proud she is doing it and that she has nto caved. Her reply was "its only been a day" The difference is positive re-enforcement for people instead of negativity. One day ago she was drinking diet and never started. So every day think of it like that. Every minute, every second if you must. Those are moments that you are NOT doing it and that is better than all the time you did.

I think also, do not get the idea you will put it down and never fall for it and do it again. Though some do this, many do not and when they go a month and do it again, they say they failed and think what the fuck is the point? I can't do it etc. more negative re-enforcement.

I stopped cutting myself for about 2 years for the wrong reasons. I did not want to at that time but I was trying to save a marriage and that was the condition. It failed anyway as I knew it would and after 2 years I cut myself again like nothing. Eventually I got to the point of saying I need to stop this because it is counterproductive to what I want" When the desire is YOURS, you will accomplish it. Sometimes it takes years but it will be done if you keep going at it. Understand you will falter, and swear you will get up and try again. Its like building tear it when you lift, and you rebuild it with protein. Same as getting through ranks in martial arts, you do not walk in your first day and know all the katas and tactics of how to win the fight or defuse the situation, keep at it ten years, practice it everyday, and you get there.

That is my key advice. Other general tips include doing other things to keep you occupied, having a support system that positively re-enforces what your doing until you yourself are strong enough to stand on your own with the choice, and just give yourself all the credit in the world for trying

best of luck
dude thats the best ive heard thanx i did good for like a week then shit hit the fan and i figured whats the fucking point its nice to hear some one not just bitch when i fuck up, but actually encourage


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