Mohawks Rock

So im getting my first piercing tommorow. Im gonna get my medusa, because i like them.. so if anyone has piercings whatcha got.. hows that going for you.. searched and didn't find any threads on piercings.. so what up.

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looks fucking good rinsing with salt waters all ive ever done
I've had a load over the years but I've had to take most of them out for various reasons. I still have my ears and my navel pierced. My next piercing will be two studs in the right side of my bottom lip.
dont use the green listerine!!!! use the orange. the green stings like a son of a bitch.
ive got two piercings in each ear and my nose done. i really want an industrial. i actually never heard of a medusa before this post. hmm you learn something new everyday.
I have:
~ both brows 16 g
~ both nostrils 18 g
~ septum 14 g
~ center labret 16 g

I want *and will eventually have*:
~ Medusa
~ Snakebites
~ (repiercing) right brow
~ another set of brows *2 barbells on each side*
~ Venoms
~ standard tongue piercing
~ stretching septum to 10 g

~ Lobes
~ Industrials

~ both tits

It's an obsession!
my honest opinion: no one should pierce themselves or their friends unless they are properly trained and legally allowed to do so. fuckin kids these days are so brainless when it comes to body modification, its pathetic.

if your not old enough, theres a reason for that. you can wait a few years.
if your parents say no, talk to them. if they are hell bent, tough luck! your obviously living under their roof and their care, wait a few years until their opinion doesnt matter anymore.
i dont have any piercings yet so far i only have 1 tattoo but i wanna get the sides of my mouth cut open and then pierce both sides of it to hold it together. i got the idea from Ichi The Killer.
I have both my lobes at 1/2" and a couple of normal size holes in my ears.
I don't have anything else in at the moment, but as soon as I have a bit of money I'm going to get new piercings.
Going for another piercing fairly soon, was thinking about it and I want a new one.. anyone here ever heard of the rhino? its through the tip of your nose and comes out inbetween your nostrils vertically, I cant get it in town though Im gonna have to go to van, or victoria. Thanks for all the replys and such.
A friend of mine once got that. And I'm not saying this to discourage you, but she said it was extremely painfull.
ok first piercing done done myself , L & R ears , at around 14 , both ears done four times now , nose done myself at 18 with a sewing needle and pair of pliers , went to a professional to get my prince alfred , stud and chain , I have a collection of scar's as well , two gunshot wounds , 1st to the right Tibia and fibula shattered both , second to right side of head , partial de-gloving skull fracture , three laceration scar's from assorted knife's , first occasion stabbed from rear blade entered right lower lumbar region , no major damage , second occasion stabbed in left hand between thumb and forefinger , major tendon damage , three screws holding tendons in place and one plate , third occasion stabbed in right quadracept muscle blade snapped when it hit the Femur , no major damage , & the most painfull of all was inflicted on me by an unfaithfull wife .
I have 0 piercings.. This chick I used to work with had over 100 piercings. She had over 50 on her face alone. But she took them out because she couldn't get a job. She had loads of nasty little scars and shit. And she told me that it was probably the biggest mistake of her life because she looked deformed.

My boyfriend has his lip and nose pierced. He used to have his septum but he let it close. He has a face for piercings though so w/e.

I mean it though, my ears aren't even pierced.
i got my lip done and my ears are stretched to a 12 n a 14
i also have my tongue and my nose
thinkin about nape or septum next


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