Mohawks Rock

So here's the deal, you've had your hawk for a week, 6 months or 10 years, it doesn't matter. You're comfortable with your "height" and you just go from place to place pretty much unconcerned with how or why other people might be observing you (you deny your understated hotness, for the sake of argument let's say.)

So when you're out and about and you -do- have your picture taken, how do you react? I should share a little: most of my "stranger danger" situations with photographers have fallen into two groups, 1.) those individuals that are ok and willing to come up to you and actually ask you if it's ok if they take your picture, and even more, they talk to you, ask you about say your hair, job, interests, etc. and then there's the second group, 2.) those individuals who you only sort of see on the perimeter, if at all, but you definitely hear the camera shutter, and see the camera being palmed as they hastily make a quick retreat after they've been spotted. This type avoids eye contact and never starts a conversation.

I like group number 1. I've always wished group number 2 could take a social risk and reach over a barrier or something.

So, anybody else? Positive or negative observations -or- interactions when you catch yourself being photographed by someone you don't know?

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OR IN MY CASE DREADS AND LOW CUTS,LOL but group2 sucks dude,,group1 can be annoying at times when you come across the ones you where talking about

i agree with you

i would much prefer 2 over 1 because those people are indeed super annoying!

ITS FUCKING ANNOYING,,group2 that is,and excuse my language,but thats how I feel about #2,,,OMG,one would think nowadays that nobody would even give a rats ass about a mowhawk especially in NY,,but noooooo you got these sneaky little fucks snapping pictures, I see you I see the lights flashing I see you tap your friend saying look at his mowhawk ,just ask for a pic I would be more than happy to take one for you,its disrespectful and cowardly.oh and here is one thing people say thats really fucking annoying''I never saw a black guy with a Mowhawk like thats that cool man''.And I'm forced to say thankyou LOL
i never know what to say when people are like nice hawk, or dude your hawks so cool. I'm always just like "thanks" i need something better to say.
say "the the carpet matches the drapes"
No carpet. Hardwood flooring.
I have both groups and i don't really care about either and laugh off both.
Once i did have a construction worker who was in a manhole try to snap a picture of me with his phone barely peaking out of the street but i caught him and he knew i did so he kinda got embarrassed but i told him it was fine and stood for him to take a picture.
I hate that some people cant just come up to me i like the interaction and conversations

I can totally relate to this. I was on my college campus the other day walking from building to building past the main road. Background: Parking is absolutely terrible and if you find a spot you better take it cause i wont be there in 30 seconds and you can easily spend 20 min looking for a parking spot. Anyways i'm walking, this dude sees a spot on the side of the road and rushes to parallel park there. He is halfway done parking when he spots me, he leaves his parking spot, drives up next to me in his fancy car, pulls out his fancy phone takes a picture, and quickly drives off as soon as he notices i see him. 


group 2 kind of a guy for sure. not that i care if they take my picture or not, i just want them to at least acknowledge that i exist. It makes me feel like some zoo animal. its like they see me and the hair and dont put together the fact that there is actually a person the hair is connected to. 

I come into contact with alot of group 1 type peoples, and its pretty cool, i feel like a movie star and shit haha (I was actually in a movie just not a big part), but people talk to me and ask to take pictures with me pretty much anywhere, ive even got a couple numbers out of it haha, ive taken pictures with people, outside when im out and about, the mall (even though most days i hate going there), grocery store, college, airports (foreign peoples) 


I dont recall group number 2 doing anything like that to me, unless they did and i dont know anything about it lol

i have had a few people come up and ask to take my picture, it doesn't really bother me, just feel odd standing there for a picture for someone i don't know. i know of at least two that took pictures without my "knowing". my husband was at work one day when this guy he works with wife sent him a picture of "some chick with cool hair" he showed it to my husband who then told him it was me. another time i was in the car when a car full off jersey shore look a like guys drove by and 1 leaned out the window to take a picture.

Had a Midwest couple come up to a group of me and my friends once saying they had never seen anyone so freakish and would really like a picture.  One friend, to whom everything is a money making scheme, completely dismissed they way they worded it and told them 'Freaks got to eat, pictures going to cost 5 bucks.'  They actually paid us and we made a joke of it from that day.

I generally don't like my conversation interrupted or people expecting me to stop what I'm doing and having my photo with random people but I might as well have some fun with it if it's going to happen


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