Mohawks Rock

I noticed a couple peeps sporting hawks at a Super target or 2 over here in Colorado!
my ex-G/f used to work there and she said they are one of the few big companies that allow such hair styles . I work At Costco (for about 5 years now) and I started seriously growing a hawk about 1 year ago BUT growing it while working in the Food Court over here. I figured since I wear a hair-net and hat whenever I work.. I could proceed with such a fabulous hairstyle out of the work thing! I Highly recommend those who want to Rock a hawk ,to start now ! Life only happens once,so make the best of it guys & Gals!!!

so remember:

*If you work with a hair-net and (or) hat all the time = Rock a hawk!
*Work at a company like Target = Rock a Hawk!!
*Work at a establishment like a night club,tattoo shop,HOT TOPIC,ect.. = Rocking a hawk!!

Any other place you guys recommend would allow one ? please add on to this Discussion :)

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construction and those types are good too, believe it or not even starbucks dress code allows it. sometimes you might have to fight a boss for it, hell no matter where you work human recources will fight for it. Saying you cant have one is like saying they wont hire someone for being black or gay or because of their religion, just dont back down and stand up for your self and your hair. fuck them and their system
why the fuck would anyone want to work at a Starbucks
I don't know about all over but I work for Snohomish County and they don't have any restrictions. I buzzed my hair and my boss said if anyone says anything that I should tell em to go to hell...funny. Maybe you would have to know my boss.

So County, City or State jobs? It's worth looking into anyway. Possibly depends on the type of job, I dunno if an office setting would be as tolerant.
I work for a tattoo shop and at a auto factory. Both places are good for the hawk. Go for it! Get in on this!
Great topic. I've seen people rock them at my local subway and quizno's, but I think its probably up to the individual franchise owner.

You could also use this site to prove to your manager that mohawks are out there and some companies do allow them. Could even write a good blog on here about your company and your manager being cool enough to let you rock a mohawk and how you would definitely recommend working there. I think Target is already getting that attention with this post, since I know thats a big problem for some wanting to rock a mohawk.

The number one thing though is that a company doesn't want to lose a great employee over something like their rules saying no mohawk.
I work for a place called The Flying Burrito Company and you can have a hawk...i'm really thinking about it... :D
hahahaha i work at a regular Target and i dyed my mohawk lime green and they diddnt bitch about it thats one of the reasons i luv workin ther
I used to collect recycling for Richmond borough council and they used to let me rock a hot pink 'hawk. Now it's faded back to blonde I can sort of hide it at a job if I have to. When I gel it down I just look like an FtM.
I work at a pizza resturant as a cook as of right now, I even cut my hair into a hawk while on the clock. :P They don't mind and it gives the customers something to laugh about/talk about. They're going to be moving me to counter and what not and I'll be able to have it spiked up! woohoo
Here in the Netherlands they don't give a shit how you look, hehe, so no problems wherever you go to work...except obviously in an office...but then again, that depends on the type of company and what they if it's some design company or a company that produces commercials/ads, then they most probably would allow you to express yourself..
That still depends on the company. Though I've never had any problems when it was down (even with the buzzed sides showing), I have been told to put it down because customers where apparently "offended" by my hair. But according to my boss customers where offended by almost everything about the way I looked. They couldn't fire me If I wouldn't conform, but that did cost me a promotion.
It might have something to do with the area I live in. I live in the south of the Netherlands and people are a lot more conservative and not so used to "extreme" looks as in "the north".
lol... I'm a pole dancer and I rock my hawk. The owner is a kick ass old biker and loves it. Told the manager to fuck off when he tried to give me shit about it.


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