I plan on getting a mohawk this suMMer, my dad is lyke "go for it!" *thumbs up* he dont care cuz he used to have liberty spikes, so he is kinda proud of me to foLLow his tracks (thanks dad :D) he also is fine with me geTTing my lip pierced *another YA!!* but there is a problem, my grandfather, i dont care wot he has to say, but he's family. He said he would disown me, got into arguments with my dad, my aunt is on his side (we used to be close) and their all ganging up on me! wot have i done?! i get good grade, and follow the rules, just coz i want to be ME and not them they get mad? so any advise as to ease the shock and dissmay of my Decision ? i told them it would be cooL, and i would look fine with it, nothing TOO drastic, but all they can say is I will be a Carney or a freak! My dad tried everthing and now it is up to me, so how do i break it to them?