Mohawks Rock

first of all you need to go to this website, just copy and paste it if you'r lazy like me. lol it explains a LOT of things about the goverment, money, the attack on 9 11, all kinds of stuff. watching this video makes me more of an anarchist then I ever was. just go to the site and the video is right there in front of your face, you can't miss it since you don't have to search for it. also it's a long ass video, it's about two hours long, but don't get discouraged! it's worth it. so I hope you all watch it and learn something.

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I have heard about this thing but still have not watched it.

I have mixed feelings on documentaries on such things and the fact that people are far too lazy, apathetic, and complacent to read something or get any information from something that is not a TV or screen.

Though things can serve to educate people or expose them to different ideas, I just find it ironic that it is on a screen.

And things like 911...if it is conspiracy theory stuff I just hate it. I do not believe in the 911 conspiracy theory stuff and I find it frustrating that people spend so much time listening to Alex Jones or any other person on it rather than doing ANYTHING about it. I read a great article that was linked of of infoshop awhile back about this. It made a great point that, oru fucking administration couldn't even pull off their Iraq fiasco so how the hell are they going to pull off something as intricate as 911 without it going completely haywire.

People believe the government is this omnipotent force and they are not. We as a society have given them all the power they have by believing and building in our minds that they ARE invincible but I urge people to think of many crimes go unsolved? And everything those motherfuckers have done, does not stay covered up. They are CLEARLY not invincible. They have a lot of resources yes but the way I see it, the governments of the world are much more afraid of radicals than radicals are of the government. That is why they strike so hard against black blocs and activists, that is why they equate the ALF or ELF with Al Quieda with terror laws, that is why they use agent provocateurs at global protests like the G8 summit. They are hellbent on staying in power but they will lose eventually. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe in a century but every single day they lose a little ground when somebody reads something from say crimethinc or they hitch or squat or dumpster dive for the first time or join Food Not Bombs or go on tour.



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