Mohawks Rock

I have been wanting a mo hawk for about 2 months so far. i had one about a year ago as seen in my picture but she made me cut it off before school. now i want one back but she thinks the teachers will judge me at the new HS i will be going to and she thinks i have no good reasons to get a Mohawk so i have been brainstorming if you guys could help me think of some it would be appreciated thanks!

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If she is concerned about the school tell her to talk to them. No use speculating and assuming. Find out the truth instead. I would suggest being there with her so she can't spin it either =) They could say yes but she might tell you they said no if she was not into the idea.

Also ask her what a good reason would be? Point out any inconsistencies in her value on that reason. Ask her the reason she has her hair the way she has it, or why she wears make up (if she does) and so on.

I do not mean any of this in a spiteful way or anything but I am firmly against mindless controlling by people. Parents, bosses, teachers etc. There is a huge difference between being ridiculous and being a good parent in my opinion.


good luck either way
I'd personally ask each one of your individual teachers in high school. Some people are really offended and/or scared off by individuality, particularly with mohawks. However, if you approached each one of your teachers ahead of time, and explained that you would like to do it for reason x, y, z then maybe by the time you would do it, they'd feel more comfortable, because you had already approached them and made the decision to wear your mohawk not as a rash decision or act of defiance, but as something calculated and thought out.
I don't quite know how to put this...
When I cut my first 'hawk, I just did it.
Then I gave everyone the finger. My parents, My school, my then employer. Anyone who didnt like it could feck off and die. I'm not saying this would be the most productive thing to do, but the point of a mohawk is to segregate yourself somewhat from society, disengage from the discourse. No-ones going to like it. You've just gotta do it and stand up for what you beleive in.
thanks for you guyses help my mom is going to let me get one i just have to imrpove my ds
i'm pretty sure ur school says bullying is bad DONT JUDGE PEOPLE FOR HOW THEY LOOK every school i have ever been to has always said the same thing, the way u look does not define u as a person and ur teachers should know and undersand that, just talk to ur mom about that stuff, she might not say it but she may feel as tho it will get u in with a "bad" crawed and that maybe the real reason that she does not want u to have it u have to let her kinow its just that u would like to style ur hair in a way that u like and find to be cool, let her knwo that its not going to change u or what no also bc she could be telling u 1 reason and really mean another so u need to cover at least those few things bc most parents are more worried about the crawed their kid hangs out with then their grades bc they feel as tho the people u hang out with will end up defining u as a person and that is not true u r who u r u like what u like and thats that.

good luck kid
good advice lil lauren. i'm a mom of 3 and would def appreciate one of my kids coming to me before to tell me what they want and why... good ole communication, does wonders! take care
If it were me, then I would go through with the idea that this is what I want to do. Not for anyone else but for myself. When I got mine for the first time, it was for me and me alone and my folks understood that. Individualism is something that seems to be lacking in the world a bit, or at least in my parts of the world. So a little twist in the world is good. Keeps people remembering that there is an outside to the box of average, whatever that may be. But I can't tell you how to approach your mom cause that's a field that differs from parent to parent. Mine were accepting to my choices of what I did. Doesn't mean that they agreed with them, but they understood that it was a choice that I made and was about to stick with it no matter what. Guess all I can say is do what you want and hope for the best. As long as it's for you then that's all that matters. Who knows. Maybe you'll be the one bringing in the hawk to others. It only takes one, dude. Good luck!
so im a senior now and my hawk is gone unfortunately i fucked it up one party night anyway to be honest at least at my hs teachers do judge which is unfortunate but if they know u without it they wont think n e thing has changed u no and for god sakes kid improve those d's i may only be a senior but u dont wanna feel dumb and not graduate try ur best no matter what okay?


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