Mohawks Rock

Well, I've been contemplating getting one for a few weeks, seeing how I obtained lice from my friend's siblings. And I can get rid of them with all the hair I have now,and I figured if I'm going to cut my hair I might as well do something else I like. But, seeing how I do have lice I cant go to any place to get it done by someone who actually knows what their doing =p. So, I'm going to get one of my friends to do it and I'm not exactly confident in his abilities. Is there anything I can do to help him cut more straight? I've tried searching for it but I figured it would be best to talk to people with experience.

Also, Anyone with suggestions on how to not get killed by my mother when I get home with plenty helpful =p

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It helps to have lots of clips. You'll want to use a comb to draw a line going all the way back from around the center of your eyebrow. Just clip the mohawk portion up and add/remove hair to/from the clips until the lines look good. Then just keep the clips really tight and go at it with the clippers. It's always better to have the original clipped mohawk a little wider than you actually want it, just in case there are any nasty curves or divots in the end result. Tell your mom you lost a bet or something.
Start wide, you can always go more narrow.

I'd just comb one side over, making it as straight as you want it to be. Possibly even tie it into a ponytail holder, and let him shave down the sides one at a time. A good width for me is right where the head naturally curves, which may seem wider than you'd think a mohawk would be.

Your other option, may be to start trying to put the mohawk up with the techniques discussed on here. Once you have it up, its easy to shave the sides down. This is how I currently trim the sides back down after they grow out a bit.
Oh yeah, tell your mother the people at made you do it, and she should probably start some group like URMOMS (Un-Rocking Moms Outraged by Site). Then kids on here can make fun of ur moms.
I support this idea. Forget what I said! =)
Ha ha, luckily my mom isn't that crazy; she just wants me to get a job and shes afraid I won't be able to.

Thanks for the info, guys.
if your hair's long enough when you get the mohawk you can always part it in the middle so the hair covers the shaved sides to ge a job...or wear a hat
I'd love to, but theirs already a lack of places seeing how I'm still 17 and have no car nor license. But I've convinced my mother to let me have a mohawk, so I'll just go in places wearing a hat and they won't, hopefully, think anything of it.
Most important thing is to do what giant mohawk man said. Start it off wide, remember it takes minutes to shave it thinner but weeks to grow it back!
lol you can do it the ghetto way like the way I cut my friends hair into a mohawk. first you would comb all of your hair to one side, and it helps to lean your head to that side, and get some duct tape and center it perfectly even over your eyebrows, over your head, and down your neck. then get the buzzers and shave off everything around the duct tape. it helps a LOT if you don't move your head much, because if you do the duck tape could come lose and move and you'll end up with a crooked mohawk. so do the same to both sides, and be really careful about keeping it perfectly stright, because it's a little tricky at first. also you can move the buzzerd from the strip of duct tape and go outwards, it won't really cut the tape since you'r not going at the tape at some funny angle, and it just cuts your mair more precise and more closer to the tape.
You can easily cover a mohawk with a good wig. Shop around online or at hair places and get a decent one...not a cheap halloween one =) This tactic has been employed by many with great success.

As for cutting it in....I had mine cut in by somebody but now do the sides myself. i do what GMM said when it comes to shaving down the sides. i do it when my hair is spiked up. To cut it in at first the clips would work to separate. You can also run duct tape down the middle of your head as a guideline.

Also support of the idea of starting wide and working it in as needed.

And don't worry if it is absolutely straight and perfect. Mine has little knicks all over, and is a bit wider near the crown. I am of the opinion that the mohawk is something that should not be perfectly honed nor a commodity or trend =) Just say fuck it and do it and have fun with it and rock that shit!
when i got mine a few months ago, my girlfriend put it in a bunch of lil ties goin down my head to make sure both sides of the hawk were as straight n centered as possible. it also helped me determine a good width.


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