Mohawks Rock

I've had the most success using Schwarzkopf Got2BeGlued Hairspray and a blowdryer.

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All i have ever and will ever use is RAVE hair spray from Suave. I ♥ it
i rock the hawk with got 2b glued freeze spray and the glue but im trying to find an eazier cheaper spiker becuase i go through this shit like crazy and its starting to add up.
but the hawk is still worth the money
so if anyone could enlighten me plz leave a comment on my page
thank you
myself as well!
i use got2b glued spiking gel which as the name implies is great for spiking but i find the wind is not ur friend if u just use that to fan it. gelatine definately great for fan but the best results come from a combination i find. first put it up nice and fanned out in wind free conditions then lube it up with some home made jell-o. and i've literally went swimming with it so a little piddly rain aint gonna phase it. stays up for at least a week and a half if u slp sideways and apply spray everyday. happy hawking m8s (y)
Got2BGlued spiking glue and Freezing spray does the job for me :D
Murray's pomade is good.
Wow, I'm really glad I ran across this discussion; I've made a list of a bunch of new products I need to try. Right now I use a combination of the ICE spiker glue to get my hair standing and then use the comb + blow drier method with got2b freeze spray. The ICE spiker glue is awesome; so much better (for me) than the got2b glue. The got2b freeze spray doesn't seem to be working so well on my hair though (its OK but not great) so I'm definitely going to try some of the products brought up here.
Depends on what i'm doing- I've used Got2BeGlued Spiking Glue, Knox Gelignite, sometimes i'll just tease it and use normal hair spary.

Does anybody use that?
i use freeze it all weather hairspray. it works really well, but you have to be careful because if you use too much, or spray to close to your head it makes little white flakes. it holds up pretty well in the humidity, and light rain. although if it is rain hard your hair will become as hard as a brick.

I tease my hair up first since i have a wider and more jagged mohawk and then use aquanet and it'll stay perfect for three days depending on how lazy i am with wanting to mess with it. I dont use hair glue or gel because it breaks off the ends of the hair for the most part though.

I use Got2B glued freeze spray, holds well particularly considering I'm a really bad sleeper, other spray's I've tried leave me looking shitty in the morning.

But, I don't like the slightly plasticy look it gives my hair, I'd like it to look more like actual hair than it does.

Look at Rupe Rabble in the 'This World is Dead' video to see what I'm aiming at (despite mine being black and the day it's put up that well ain't  happening anytime soon)


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