Mohawks Rock


I'm planning on growing my hair out about 12 inches long, and I'm hoping to get a sideways Mohawk dyed blue. (Ear to ear) With a bulls-eye shaved into the back of my head.

Now, the hard part. How would i cut it?
Anyhelp would be amazing.


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well the best way to grow a hawk is to shave n start frl bald its alot easyer to see what ur doing and to get a straighter mowie
first thing first
decide how far bak on ur head u want it
mark it out sum how
and decide on how thick u want it
if ur gna do it urself good luck ur gna need it
best thing is to get a friends or ANY1 to help
and then backcomb n spike it up n ur all done :P
Look up the forum on the "sun hawk" or look them up. Basically, that's what you're doing, but if you google pictures for it you're likely to get scene kids with badly teased hair and shitty fringes with it.

Not kidding. But, it's there. It's the same method as a regular mohawk, but you're probably going to need help, at least the first few times you style and cut it. Are you gonna keep the rest bald?
I'll probably keep some hair on top, and also dye it blue.
Without that, if i weren't spiked up it'd look like i had a balding blue mullet, which is all kinds of fucked up.

Thanks for the help.
Haha, that's exactly why I asked :-P And you're quite welcome. If you ever have questions feel free to drop by and ask or search the forums to see if it's come up before!!

Cool side note:
I saw the coolest guy yesterday, he was going bald at his temples and it started to go pretty far back, so he shaved his hair into a mini tri-hawk (his hair wasn't much longer than an inch and the regrowth was probably a quarter of an inch and the bald spots were bald). I had to shake his hand. He was so cool and only 40 or so. I meet so many guys who are like "I wish I could do that...but I'm bald". There is a hawk for every balding pattern. haha


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