Mohawks Rock

I figured somebody might want to see the video that was shot.
A how to video on spiking your hair with soap, hair glue, and hair spray. It was done mostly for fun but also because I have gotten more than a few people who ask me how it works. :)

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Coolness! Gonna try this later.
i use this method all the time but i dont comb it becuase it break the hair alot ( well mine does anyways) i just make the fan useing my hands and that does allright or ive i do use a comb i use it when its still a bit wet but it works..the longest ive had it my hawk up for is 8 days and only had to just re spray it once
d.i.y. for foot long + hawks:
teasing brush, blow dryer(not completely necessary), "hair freeze" hair spray, hair straightener, two mirrors.

for me i have a method that doesn't need soap, gel orElmers.
shower with shampoo and extra conditioner to give it that shine.
give it a quick comb or brush through wet.
blown dry it on high fan, high heat, till completely dry.
straighten your hair on 9-10ths max heat. i prefer to have a tall standing mirror behing me, so when i bend over, i can see myself straighten my hair as it hangs towards the ground.
when you have it fully straightened, bend over the same way and let your hair hang down and start spraying. a light coat at first, and just the front. then pull and straighten it with your hands. do in sections of three: front, middle, back.
on the middle part dont put alot of freeze as you'll be re-connecting the middle and the back as they tend to part.
when you finally got it to stand, straighten your hair with a 7 to 8-10ths max heat. you dont' wanna catch fire cus it would be a bitch to put out, haha.
when you're straighting your, make sure to not squeeze too hard and keep it moving cus it will get stuck!
if you have a third mirror this would work out great for getting a side view to see the "parted" areas, without having to move the "directly behind" you one.
blow drying it on low fan with high heat after you spray and pull-squeeze is ok, not nescessary.
when i do the middle part i usually lean all the way over to where it looks like i'm kissin my ass. this lets it hang directly down.
and the back part, well just lean back against a counter top to really let that part hang.
then spray away till your satisfied.
having the staning mirror directly behind you like in a bathroom, helps you get it as straight as possible; like a f-n blade!
there you go, sorry i couldn't of put this in a vid.


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