Mohawks Rock

So I'm going to take advantage of this forum and share my work. I make cakes and a variety of other sweets, many of which I sell on Etsy. I ship all over the world and am constantly trying to come up with new geeky and awesome designs to sell in my shop.



My best sellers would be my Star Wars themed Chocolates. From Millennium Falcon truffles to Han Solo in Carbonite chocolate bars to R2D2 chocolates. My computer doesn't want to let me add pictures to this post so just check out my Etsy shop or Facebook page if you would like to see any!

Want to help a small business grow? Like my Facebook page (you wont regret it, who doesn't like seeing awesome cakes? and delicious goodies?!), share it with your friends, favorite my Etsy shop, and share links to things you like with your friends and family. I appreciate any help and support where I can get it. Starting a business isn't easy in any field, let alone one as strict as food.

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Wow! Your bits of goodness look amazing!!! I enjoy baking myself. I used to make chocolates at a small store way back in the day. I also bake for dogs, non professionally. I think I could survive off sweets and just forgot about real food.

Thank you! Oh that is me too, I eat ridiculous amounts of sweets lol.. my boyfriend does as well. You would think we would get sick of it..never do! I make doggie cookies, cakes, and pupcakes too :) I love baking for pups!

Oh, these are great!  And I'm going to spread the word to my friend who's a nut for Star Wars stuff! ^_^


Just to give folk encouragement to visit and see what you've got on offer, here's a couple pictures from your site:


They look de-lish-ous! /Cookie-monster-voice


I hope they're vegetarian? :D

Thanks so much :) And thanks for posting the photos! My internet at home is terrible. Most of it is vegetarian but some isn't. Most of my baked goods contain egg (the Oreo cheesecake cookies are my only egg free baked goods) and I do have some things that contain marshmallow, as well as some cookies that have bacon in it :P Other then that they are all vegetarian. I am always happy to take special requests as well for those that are vegetarian, have allergies, etc. All ya gotta do is shoot me a message and i'll see what I can do for ya!

Bacon in cookies?!  How strange! lol


I'm okay by eggs & milk, since I'm not a vegan, but things like beef gelatine I don't eat - which sadly rules out most jelly & mallow things. :'(


Thanks for that, it's very nice selection and my friend thought them good too on FB.  So who knows, maybe some more folk will see stuff they might order.  Though, postage from the US is a big thing sadly.  Still, maybe for a special occasion. =]  You certainly have some nice ideas & great execution of them in food! :O

Lol, yes, my maple bacon chocolate chip cookies are actually quite popular! People love bacon.. in everything lol.

My boyfriend is vegetarian so I like to try and make things vegetarian as often as possible so that he can eat them too but I do have a soft spot for marshmallow. I never cross contaminate anything though since I am used to cooking vegetarian meals.

Postage costs really suck since I ship food. Everything needs to be in boxes (to not get squished) and I ship priority mail to get things where they have to go as fast as possible without completely breaking the bank. International shipping is crazy but there is nothing I can do about shipping costs unfortunately :(

Yes, bacon is one taste that is hard to forget =]  Still...I wonder, if those cookies would work with the vegetarian 'bacon bits' substitute...haha  A rather poor bacon substitute, although there are veggie rashers that aren't too bad...  Now you've got me thinking on experimenting with ingredients in unnatural ways! haha


Yes, I can completely understand what you mean - food needs to be shipped well & fast, like you do.  At least the International option is there and that's great!  Nothing worse than having no option at all to get stuff from abroad - as so often happens.

I could totally sub the bacon for vegetarian bacon upon request! That's one thing I haven't tried yet though since I heard it sucks. I eat a ton of vegetarian meats and such but not the bacon yet!

These look awesome! I will have to get some when I get back home.

And the rainbow sparkle sugar cookies look like what I would imagine my little pony poops would look like. Kinda awesome.

Lol, they are unicorn poop sugar cookies ;)

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