Mohawks Rock

ive been wanting to move to Australia for a very long time and now that im 18 im seriously considering moving there in a couple years and i was wantin to know the pros and cons about moving there. so help me out fuckers lol

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Cons? Well other than the fact that it's geographically in the middle of nowhere and they have a lot of bugs, there really isn't very many cons.

Good standard of living, one of the lowest crime rates in the world.. work is easy to find. Free medical (not sure if you need citizenship or not) taxes are decent I believe and if you plan to move outside of the major cities you'll find housing is quite cheap. Oh and ofcourse the people and the scenery are spot on. Yup, definitely a grade A place to live.

I still prefer my Canada though.
australia pwns, but there is a large amount of bogans and you WILL get called emo at some point or another weather you look like one or not, but seriously move here its great, also move to NSW we need more awesome people here
yea it used to be the same way here. fuck yea does NSW stand for New South Wales?


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