Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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i worked as a lifeguard back in the day. was asked "do you save lives?" um no i fucking watch them drown...stupid ass.
or when i had long hair that was down to my nips. got asked. "how do you swim with all that hair?" WHAT THE FUCK? what do you mean how do i swim with all this hair, do you realize you just asked a stupid question, look at your is longer then mine, why didnt you ask her that question???"

Having the side of my head tattooed, people always ask me if I intend to keep my hair shaved forever. They've also asked if my hair will ever grow back after being tattooed.




That one really gets me.

Possibly the greatest/stupidest thing I've ever had someone say to was "You could be my son, I remember having sex with a cockatoo 18 years ago". I laughed so fucking hard it was ridiculous.

oh shit thats too funny, cracked me up

someone asked me once if my vagina was floppy after having a baby. I was really offended, I mean what idiot would ask something like that. Of course it gets large enough to have a baby go through it when you have contractions, but seriously it isnt bowling ball size for life after kids... fucking retards. lmfao


Also I have had people ask me if the scar on my arm was from being wounded while I was in the service. Its an obvious broken arm scar, but peope think becuase I was in the military I must have been Rambo or some shit. So I lie and tell them some grand story about how I rescued a puppy from insurgent heavy artillary fire... and they usually believe me.


Another one about my hair is people ask "do you do that for attention?" and I don't even know wtf that is supposed to mean. My pink hair makes about as much a cry for attention as them wearing a purple shirt. I hate it when people try to think they know you simply judging by the way you look.


*facepalm* People ask me stupid stuff all the time.

hahaha sam dhere  people always assume i do shit for attention and even if it was for attention its defenetly for most of these boring looking people that usually have nothing good to say hahaha
It wasn't a question, but once I went down shopping some groceries, and then this lady in another line said to the one she was with "I'm glad she's not my daughter!" I lol'd, yer it made me glad 'cause she could actually see I was a girl. A lot of kids thought I was a boy. Then I got the chelseahawk and they're no longer in doubt.
(On Liberty Spikes) Do they all have to be the same size? Oh yes ma'am. You see, if they aren't all mathematically even, gravity takes special hold and they fall to the ground. Fuck off liquor store lady.
HAHAHAA Ohhh I lol'd.
stupid question like '' oh why you look gay if your not gay''? and its like '' yo im a fucking crossdresser'' hahaha but people that i usually come into contact with usually ask me questions like that..Like friends of a friend that have met me
cool story, bro.

what kinda bird are u tryin to imitate?

can i touch it?

those are basically the ones i get mostly

o and haw do u get it up ( with little blue pills is my general answer )


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