Whats the weirdest or creepiest thing youve experienced?
My weirdest experience was when i was at my high schools park 2-3 yrs ago. It was late night and i was sitting alone on a swing, just thinking, when i came back to reality i was looking around and saw this really bright white orb above a house. I thought nothing of it. Later on i got up to go try and get a better look at it..the minuite i got up it started moving across the sky. I started running but eventually it disappeared behind some trees.
planes and helicopters are to loud and cant hover that long, wwaaaaayyyyyy too low for a satellite or star, obviously not a street light like i though at first and just didnt seem like a prank someone could pull off. Ive gone through every possibility but nothing seems to fit.
Wow thats crazy.
When I was about 10, I was putting the trash by the curb when i heard this whurrrr noise or something, so i looked around thinking it was a helicopter or plane, naturally, but it didn't sound anything like that really. After a moment of looking around i saw this triangular thing with a blue tint on the bottom, it was about 150-200 ft in the air, it came over my house, really, REALLY slowly, it was about the size of a basketball court. I was trying to look for wings (and sorta hiding around the corner of my house n scared outta my mind lol) but there were none, it was just floating. So then after it was about over my house in my backyard, another one came up behind it hella close, then goes under it and they stop moving altogether. So after a moment they both just zoomed away. like, no noise, no air movement, nothing, they just zoomed away hella fast, faster than ANY military plane can go I'm sure. After that i ran in the house like i was runnin from tha police lmao. It was hella scary though lol I'm not even gonna lie, i don't tell that story much though since like no one believes me :/ ever since then i believe a lot more in the unknown and unexplained.
House I grew up in had a church across the street, my mom claimed she saw ghosts around it. Being a little kid this scared me shitless so my dad tried convincing me there was no such thing... until I saw one!
Turns out it was car lights shining through the trees in the smog... still scary. On the subject of scary stuff, anybody else crap their pants when that episode of Wild Thorn Berries had that yeti looking in the window for the older sister?
Most of my "haunted" experiences have been proven false. My Uncle thinks that my house is haunted, but its really just me- I'm quiet. xD
My Mom swears that a huge amount of murders dead bodies were dumped on some middle of nowhere property she bought a few years back. Now their ghosties haunt them when to go camping or whatever. Little white orbs are in the pictures they take, but that can mostly be explained by lighting disturbances.
My favorite story is when I was littttleee and I would spend Halloween with my Grandma. She would put out this pumpkin light on her front porch and put a witches hat on it. Then she would tell me about the witch that lived down the street from her when she was my age. She went into all the details about her brew and how she almost ate her sister. But in the morning, the witches hat was gone from the pumpkin, and that meant that she had claimed her hat once again and visited us in the night. I think I freaked out up until I was about 7 or 8 every year. Eventually I figured out that Grandma just put the hat in a closet or something before I went to look for it in the morning. xD
I was pretty young, and I was sleeping over my great grandmother's house. I didn't want to be there that night but had to be, but I forget why, as my brother and sister didn't have to be, and they are barely older than I am. Anyway I got kinda home sick, so my grandma let me hop in bed with her for the night. All I remember after that is having a dream that consisted of one image, or at least if there were more images, this particular one is the only one I remember. It was an image of me laying in the bed I was actually laying in, facing the same direction I was actually facing and seeing things in front of me, like the bureau with the mirror on it and stuff, and those things were there for real. You probably see where I'm going with this. I woke up, opened my eyes, and saw exactly the same sideways image (since I was laying down) I had JUST seen 1-2 seconds prior to waking up, which freaked me the hell out. No sooner, Some force took hold of my body and just basically forcefully rolled/shoved me off of the bed and I landed on the wooden floor with a loud *thud*. Yeah... I'll never forget that.
I suppose it was a similar experience to when your body twitches sometimes as you're just beginning to fade into unconsciousness while falling asleep, but how sometimes you get those rare, severe, whole-body twitches that is so powerful it wakes you right up and scares the hell out of you until you quickly realized what happened. I can only guess the "thing" that shoved me off of the bed may have been that, but I mean I ROLLED... at no other time in my life when I've had those twitches, severe or not, did I ever ROLL lol.
I'm sorry my posts are so long, but I am a very descriptive person. I feel it makes my stories more easy to understand as well as give you a better mental image of what was happening.
It was during winter 03'-04'. From January until sometime in February, I used to get really anxious when everyone else in the house would go to bed and I was the last one up. During those nights, I would get so anxious that, every 10 minutes, I'd have to leave the room I was in and go into another room, and since everyone else was in bed in their rooms, it was either from my room into the livingroom, or, 10 minutes later, from the livingroom back into my room. I just would get this insanely overwhelming feeling like something was in the room with me, or otherwise watching me with malicious intent. I wouldn't be able to tolerate that feeling, and it would grow stronger and stronger, until in about 10 minutes, I HAD to get away from it. I spent many nights, over about the course of a month, just up all night, trying to play my gameboy to take my mind off of it, and I'd leave the TV in the livingroom on as well to try to distract me further, but it did little, if anything.
The summer before this, 6 months prior, There appeared a carving on the foot of my bed post that read "Leave this if you don't want to die". It was the only thing that was carved into my bed post for the next 6 months and I just thought it was my brother's friend's or something screwing around with me, so I didn't think much of it. Within 2-3 nights or so of this intense anxiety the following January, More scribbling began appearing on my bed's foot post. I could only usually make out a few letters and maybe a word or two here and there, but the markings were otherwise a random assortment of similarly-sized shapes that didn't seem to shape or spell anything in particular. Over the days, I would find more and more scribbles on the foot post, to the point where they were beginning to overlap each other due to lack of room on the foot post, and everything eventually became illegible due to the sheer amount of carvings. The penmanship of the first message carved during the summer was phenomenal in comparison to the messages that were carved the following winter, so naturally I could still read that message even though it was being overlapped by other carvings. At one point I left a pen and paper on my bed for it to leave a message on, but when I got home from school later that day, the paper was still blank, and the pen unmoved.
My dad is into Asian stuff, so there were some Asian vases and dolls in the livingroom, and I was really creeped out by the dolls, but this one doll with black hair and a red kimono was exceptionally creepy for reasons I don't know. I don't know why the vases were creepy, but I was just convinced that the large vase closest to the livingroom couch was just going to shatter or go flying in some random direction, at any given time during these long nights i was out on the couch, but it never did. I knew about poltergeists back then and I was into ghosts and stuff even back then, so I knew kinda what to look for in a haunting.
2 things I cant explain besides the foot post happened though. One night, I heard what sounded like a little boy yawn behind the couch as I was sitting on it, I looked behind me only to find one of my cats laying there asleep...odd. The other happened on a night when the temperature got down to -3 F. Of course very cold air can more easily create static/electromagnetic energy since there is less moisture in the air. This is what a lot of people theorise ghosts "feed" on. I got a really uneasy feeling at one point during that night, and no sooner than that, a music box that was across the livingroom played just 3 notes. Turns out this occurred at roughly 3am, the supposed ghostly hour. Instead of freaking out and leaving the livingroom, I just turned around to face that direction and asked it aloud to please stop in a calm manner. All disturbances ceased within 24 hours and I haven't had the problem since.
I'm really glad i read that at 3am right on the dot...
thanks... not really.
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