Mohawks Rock

Lets talk.

I dont shower all the time, do you?

i dont brush my teeth all the time either.

how about shaving? not as much.. i do it when i expect someone to feel me. but other than that no..

what do you guys think? lets talk about it.


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haha sounds like me, minus the teeth brushingg

I don't shower all the time, I brush my teeth every few days, I chew alot of gum. I never wash my clothes, usually do a sniff check of whatever is on my floor.

Kinda nasty, The other day i keep smelling something dead, found out it was my jeans that hadn't been washed in months from where the side of my leg got rubbed raw, though it was pretty interesting having my best mate sniff every item of clothing I was wearing while in a hospital bathroom, I washed them the next day, so it's all good.

i shower usually every other day, brush my teeth twice a day.

and omg i shave ALL the time. otherwise it gets all itchy and stuff. as for the sides of my head lol... maybe twice a month.

i love showering, i love water. i'd be in there all the time if i didn't have a life :P

damn it.. seems im the only nasty person who doesnt brush all the time

but yeah i dont like to smell all fruity.. or like old people

I shower every other day or every two days depending on how dirty I get. If I just sit inside for two days then I won't shower every night. I brush my teeth every day at least once. I shave my underarms as often as needed, but during the winter I slack off amazingly on shaving my legs unless I plan on being touched or something.
Its December.
No one cares.
i try to shower everyday, that doesn't always happen though because i have two kids that i stay at home with and well some days i just don't have time. brush my teeth everyday at least once. and once again try to shave everything once a day, everytime i shower i shave. i really dislike body hair on myself, i'm not very hairy though so i can let it slide a day or two, and it still look like i shaved.

aweh i bet your babies are cute!

haha. and lucky about the shaving part..

wish i was ballldd

yeah it's beacuse i am mostly cherokee, and they just don't have a lot of body hair anyways so when i shave it it grows back really slow.
yeah they are pretty adorable, they look like little germen version of me. my husband is germen, and i always get weird looks like i kidnapped them when people see me with 2 blonde haired blue eyed little girls


i wish you all the best!

you're gorgeous, and i bet they both are too! <3

Hygiene is important, without it you get sick and die.

It's not hard to brush your teeth, wash your hands and yourself.



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