Mohawks Rock

Does it annoy anyone else that there aren't updates to tell you when you have photo comments?
i hate having to sift through all my pics every week or so to see if i have have any!

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i forgot that it didn't send anything. so the other week i went through and there was 1-2 i had NO idea about. theve been there for like months so i felt kinda bad lol.

but yes it annoys me.
Still a hassle!
Wait. Really? I thought it did...haha. It used to, didn't it?
Nope not as far as i know!
Haha, maybe you just comment on the forums and on profiles a lot or get a load of comments and just miss them?
Yeah that as well
Oh, I always get emails notifying me of picture comments - maybe it's to do with the fact I have them set to wait for approval, so that way I'm always notified and able to reply.
I rarely check my email, as i have a shitload of accounts.
oh hai, ai noes! yuo hav too manees then :#(
But i neeeeeeeeeeeed them.
I never check the one i use anyway.
I just use Pidgin and add every email acount to it - that way I get mail notifications from all of them if I run it - without having to check them. Though it only supports certain email services that have chat too - like the main ones. For the rest, maybe you can use POP to forward the mail on to one of these accounts.
I am lazy.


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