Mohawks Rock

Personally; a waste of time, not healthy, not cool, not good. Fuck the influence I don't need to be smokin' an L to have fun or be cool. Its pretty stupid how these days the only way to get attention is to either get stoned, shitfaced or whatever. What are your takes on this?

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I think alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes are fucking stupid, and are poison for your body, and mind.
I just don't get it at all. Like EVERYONE I know somkes pot and drinks. Not as many smoke cigarettes but it's still stupid.
The whole mother's side of my boyfriends do nothing but sit around, get piss drunk smoke cigs and then yell at each other like every weekend. He's a family person so he wants to spend time with them but like wtf. Why would I want to sit around with a bunch of screaming drunks offering me a drink every 30 seconds? Even if I was of age I wouldn't want any of that poison horse piss.

What really upsets me about smoking is when people do it around there kids! I mean okay it's bad enough your blowing it in my face but you've got a 5 year old on your arm, a 2 year old in a stroller and are freaking preggerz! Are you stupid? (I know not everyone's like that but I honestly see that way too much.)

As I said my boyfriends family are CONSTANTLY smoking, like they cant go 5 minutes without one. What makes it worse is his aunt and uncle have a 3 year old kid. They smoke one after another after another and NEVER open a window, it's either to hot and will let out the AC or it's too cold in the winter. The house gets so filled with smoke that you can see the haze. I can't even breath taking one step inside. I have to stand outside when ever I'm with him and his parents feel they need to go get drunk at there house and make him drive them home later. (as a result they think I hate them, which isn't far from the truth but that's another story.) It makes me so sick thinking that all this kids life he has been breathing nothing but smoke! In Ontario we have a law that makes it so you can't smoke pretty much anywhere other then your home and in your car. Unless there is a 13 year old or younger in your car. I just can't wait until they make it so you can't smoke anywhere near a kid because honestly it's fucking child abuse and its fucking disgusting.

As for drugs and shit, I've never even considered it. People always ask how you can have any fun with out drugs and like I can't help but think really? Do you honesty think your life is so boring you have to willingly ingest chemical concoctions and various other shit to make it interesting? Even my parents smoke pot, don't get me wrong they arn't bad parents or even encouraging me to do it. Hell, they are most of the reason why I've never done it. But really, seeing this group makes me happy knowing I'm really not the only one who thinks like this. Maybe I am in London, Ontario though.

I can honestly say I've never had any alcohol, recreational drug or cigarettes in my mouth or body. Unless you count mouthwash :x And then again, one could say that's not much of an accomplishment cause I'm only 17 but by today's standards I should be getting blazed and drunk every single night and fucking as much as I can.

And that's my little rant that no one ever seems to understand :D
I absolutely HATE looking at peoples facebooks and seeing photo after photo of all these people drinking and getting so high. Half of them underage. I sincerely hope that someday they get busted for posting such stupid photos on the internetz.
exactly, all of my (former) friends are getting high and drinking or drinking and theyre 15 years old!! its getting worse everyday its really sickening. these kids i grew up with are heading down the wrong path when one day they will all be at rock bottom while im laughing in their faces.
After being friends with a couple of people for a few years they have learned that I don't want to do it or have any part of it so if they are going to they can leave and get away from me. They don't sit there and pressure me into it either. I don't mind them being like 'Awe come on Tash, get high with us' because as soon as I say no, they shut up. Unlike some people who just keep harassing you to do it being like your such a freak for not doing it. I had people in a few classes like that :p
I just can't believe their mentality when they insist that it has not done them any harm , I have known people who smoke and do drugs for the past 30 years and one thing is very evident to me , they are all brain dead , they cannot hold an intelligent conversation to save their lives :( yet they say it has not affected them , delusional zombies , and it pisses me off when I want to go see a band that I like knowing that I will have to breath their nicotine stench and have to put up with their incoherent babble , someone should start up a Straight Edge nightclub at least that way I won't go home smelling like an ash tray :(
I agree completely. I'd love to see a club for sXe only. Or a the very least a spot where people could meet up and just chill, play some tunes or whatever.
well I have something in the works for next year if my purchase goes through , I am trying to buy a farm with a couple of hundred acres , if I get it then I am going to arrange a mohawk gathering , I will feed and water the lot for nothing all they have to do is turn up :) I will even provide the accomodation , never know it might grow into something huge , someone has to do something right :)
Yeah i don't like the stuff. but i'm not gonna preach about it-or judge people. i know plenty of people who do drink and whatever, and as long as they're not literally shoving it down my throat and calling me close-minded, i'm cool with it. :) unless they're my friend and they wanna try heroin or something-thennnn i'll say something. as long as no one is getting hurt-in ANY WAY, and doing stupid shit. even though drugs and stuff is completely pointless.....hmmmm......i'm gonna start ranting-so i'm gonna end it there.
*shrug* i just DON'T GET IT. i mean there are so many awesome ways to die, why would you slowly poison yourself to death? is polution not enough? you want to feed the toxins into your body directly? fine, you know what, fine, you go do that, and i'll just go ahead and leave.

appart from that, we've been privy to quite a few drunken admitions, it feels WRONG, like i'm invading their privacy even though they're the ones spilling their emotional guts. it just make me think that i would hate for it to be the one on the other side of the bottle.
highschool: three kids died because they were too out of their own heads to think 'don't get into the car' 'don't drive the car' or 'don't go to a rave in an unsteady structure, and don't for fucks sake step on the skylight!'
eventually the dean just started punishing anybody who had facebook pictures up of them drinking out of a red plastic cup, which got a ton of innocent kids in trouble too.
and then there are the smokers at work. they go and stand outside in the middle of chicago winter just ta get their fag fix. then they come back and COMPLAIN because the company got rid of the 'smoking room'. am i s'posed stand here and feel sorry for you while you breath your disgusting smokebreath in my face? fuck no, get the fuck away!
the drugs.... oh the drugs, we grew up in rich white suburbia. it's not that there aren't drugs, it's that the kids have more money to buy them. and you know what, the parents are so irresponsible that they don't stop it until it's too late.
I'm posi so i personally dont care what others do but i do think there stupid as shit fuck drugs & fuck booze & fuck smoking i have friends who do drink and smoke but it all there choice


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