Mohawks Rock

i figured people wearing the hawk would be more understanding and frienly.i am alredy having to battle society about my hair choice its funny i try to chat with people all the time but usually they say o new guy lets not talk to him were speacial its thats the case you aint no different from all those upper class asssholes who like to judge others well let me leave you with this iam not on this page for your approval i thought your web page would bee diferent / dont act like the rest of sociey

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Or it could be he rubs us the wrong way.

Its not that I hate him, I don't care enough about him, nor that I think someone with a mohawk should have specific ideals...Its that hes a racist and I don't like spending my time around them.
Maybe it's cause his name isn't hannah montana.

all i have to say is.

AND GET THE FUCK OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u santanic bitch die u little piece of shit, whore baby punching, cum bag, child rapist, cracker, asshole, chiclet teethed, puppie killing, kkk enthusiast, hitler loving, transexual, transgender, tranny, george bush loving, redneck whore god forbid ur on this site too y dont u go make love to ur father its in ur redneck blood oh and by the way go back to ur home in whore island
hannah montanahs teeth look like chicle
Above we see an example of rude people on this site.
4 examples that proves ur not punk or even have a good voice (btw ur some 30 yr old jerk off who likes screwing with the wrong pple but watever):
Deftones Chino Mreno
Chino Moreno Pictures, Images and Photos

Lostprophets Ian Watkins

Linkin Park Chester B. & Mike S.

I will specify that I am not either of these: " kkk enthusiast, hitler loving". (these are only insults miguel made up to use against me)

Since when were Linkin Park or Deftones punk?

Dont you know hannah montana is simply the mostess wonderfulless singeress there ever was?
all i have to say is.

AND GET THE FUCK OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u santanic bitch die u little piece of shit, whore baby punching, cum bag, child rapist, cracker, asshole, chiclet teethed, puppie killing, kkk enthusiast, hitler loving, transexual, transgender, tranny, george bush loving, redneck whore god forbid ur on this site too y dont u go make love to ur father its in ur redneck blood oh and by the way go back to ur home in whore island
hannah montanahs teeth look like chicle
KILL URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u santanic bitch die u little piece of shit, whore baby punching, cum bag, child rapist, cracker, asshole, chiclet teethed, puppie killing, kkk enthusiast, hitler loving, transexual, transgender, tranny, george bush loving, redneck whore god forbid ur on this site too y dont u go make love to ur father its in ur redneck blood oh and by the way go back to ur home in whore island

Dude.. you really need to calm down.

You're feeding a troll for crying out loud! And this thread is not the most appropriate place to attack hannah montana. Create your own, or duke it out between your guys' profiles.
u know i dont really feel like this its just bad mouthing a person XD
Please stop using transexual and transgender as derogatory terms.

k thx bye.
"enjoy the sound of feces splashing into the toilet"
dude thats wat they said wen hanah montanh made an album XD
oh and hanah montanah isnt her real name its not miley cirus her name was like somthin really hillbilyish i think it was George w Bush
dude u cant be wiggers wen A. the raper mike shinoda is fukin japanese
B. 2 people are of asain (dj and rapper)
2 people are jewish (guitarist and Drummer)
and finally 2 are white (vocals and bass)
so no hangout of "wiggers" okay?
fine but just agree that they are way better than hannah fukin montana
agree that hanah montana should burn

best bands Lostprophets
Linkin Park
Deftones (in my opinion)


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