Mohawks Rock

What are your thoughts about it? the people, the music, the topic whatevs
(sorry if this shouldnt go here)

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That is a pretty stupid reason not to associate yourself with it, punk has a bad rep too, it doesn't mean that you should associate yourself with punk!
That shouldn't be associated with straightedge, it is reliant on the individual on how they carry themselves.
I'm straitedge, No drinking, No smoking, No drugs. The sex thing I am okay with, and I am also not a violent person, although that doesnt have much to do with straitedge.
I respect straightedge people, but some are waayyyy to militant. all in all, it is a noble thing to do and i agree with it, just dont practice it.
I'm not straight edge.
I like how a few people here are like I'm sxe...but i really like maybe not. ( I don't blame you)
And Ive been wondering if sex was one on those "no-no's" for sxe? What do you think? I mean its a very natural thing- to me it seems like you'd be depriving yourself.
Sex is seperate from edge.
Ive heard both ways, that it is and isnt. I would think it was separate also. I agree with Val too, its prolly not recreational either.
People that are straitedged dont drink, smoke, or do drugs. The sex thin is just how the individual wants to live their life.
Straightedge is a personal choice, it has to appeal to you as a person.
I'm straight edge. and ya know what? i don't preach. i don't think i'm better than you. i'm not 'hardline'. i'm not going to assume that you're a douche for NOT being edge.

i'd appreciate it if you return the favor.

i get so much shit about it from people:
"oh well, you're under age, we'll see what happens when you turn 21"
"it's a fad with you, it'll pass"
"aren't you supposed to, like, try an hurt me or something?"
"soooo you don't ever sex, well i'm not really into that..." (that's not even what i'd said!)
LOL. I know exactly what you mean.

All the little kids (who aren't really little, but younger than I am) who were like "im SXE brah!" since I was in high school are all now chronic drinkers and looking for drug hook ups. HMMM. I think they jumped the bandwagon.
And the whole sex thing. Everyone has a different definition. It can be strict - no sex of any nature unless you're married or simply not being promiscuous. Whatever. It's a good way to keep clean and disease free, though and not have to medicate.

I wouldn't call myself straight edge because
A) I don't think it's something you can turn off and on at will (or be born again....)
B) To follow up A, I was heavily involved in things when I was younger that have helped shape me as a person today
C) Also know how to do things in MODERATION! instead of getting beyond trashed like my peers, so if I choose to poison myself, at least I can be smart about it.

I always laugh when the "straight edge" kids are coming into my store to but cigarettes, coffee, and energy drinks. Three legal drugs. All poison.
H YEAH. Have you guys ever met the strict kids who won't even take ibuprofen or vitamins? Wicked annoying. I made the mistake of suggesting it to a kid who had a wicked headache. Boy...I got my head chewed off and then some. Douche.
I knew an edger who twisted his ankle or something and wouldnt take any pain medication, instead, he just bitched all the time about the pain, thats annoying.


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