Just curious. Do you do it yourself or get a friend/relative to shave the sides of your head for you?
I had a friend shave the sides of my head twice, but I didn't want to keep relying on him to do so every week or so. His lady is about 5 months pregnant, so the less I bother them the better. Plus they live quite a distance away and I don't have a car.
So... I've been doing it myself. I tried a second mirror, but I was confusing myself.
Instead I use my hand as a barrier to stop the clippers running into hair I want to keep.
But tonight I failed.
The sight of EPIC FAIL
Larger versions plus photos of the damage
uploaded already.
After tonight, I'm going to try to get another friend to help me. I'll see how bad it looks tomorrow when I put it up, but I don't think it's going to be too noticable. I hope.