Mohawks Rock

Because you just lost it.

haha, I swear this isn't spam. I just wanna see who plays the Game. =D

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Hate is a rather nasty word. I have no idea who it's aimed at... I can deal with dislike (there are people and things I dislike), but not hate. IMHO, the use of the word hate is a verbal form of a violent crime.
I would take into account the 'intent' behind the words - too often it's easy to take to heart words that mean little for others to say. Plus, in this context, IMHO, I can't see the intent as 'harmful' - though that's where emoticons are handy. :D

Still, there are other words that are commonly used, in thoughtless ways, where a little thoughtful conscience and not using them would be nicer on the Wibble. =)
the game
No, keep replying.

Admittedly Americans don't know the first thing about cricket. I certainly don't. I hadn't even heard of parkour until I got into a discussion on MR. Good to learn new things once in a while.

The use of words has come up on other groups (even my model railroad groups) I participate in. One model railroad group even had to issue a set of netiquette rules this week reegarding a pasionate (and heated) discussion of model railroad construction techniques.

Just put some thought into posting things before you hit the send key to a public forum. Private messages, of course, are a different matter.
i have actually won the game, due to an epic thread on the 'chan
If that is the definition, then you actually win every time you play. This assumes, of course, that you learn something from the loss. Anytime to learn, you are actually winning. The only way to lose is to make the same mistake repeatedly......

Just my philosophy.....
Yeah, but you can NEVER win.
saying you dont play, is just another way of saying I lose.
shit. too bad I already lost a few minutes ago.
You're actually "free" to think about The Game for 30 minutes after loosing...
yeah, I know all about the game, and I lose.
if you make someone else lose the game, you lose the game


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