Mohawks Rock


in this case it is t3h chi3f or whatever his name is, if he makes a topic, don't respond, if he posts DON'T RESPOND!
this also goes for any trolls in the future too.

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does it need anything to stay up
apparently, he uses some gel stuff..........
Yeah...normally a good solid punch does the job. haha
If only you could punch through the interwebz...
AW DAMN IT!!! I knew I shouldn't have sold that thing off... grrr.

I'm actually the kid who will break up the fights now a days. I got the fighting outta my system when I was younger.
And it's always funny watching a short girl pacify hulking guys who tower over her. hehe.
In hindsight.
If some kid came up to me at a party and was frontin' "Yo you white ass bitch - mohawk blah blah blah word tmz gansta psp" and running his mouth just cause he got shot down by a ton of hot girls and is trying to feel better about himself...I might be inclined set him straight.

I spent too much time advocating rights and standing up for other people that my first instinct...well, it isn't to shut up.
I only resort to violence when someone attacks me or when someone is really stupid. In this case its obviously that he's really stupid.
the origin of the counter troll............or even banhammer!
He said he "listens to some punk"
but in other threads I think he said he doesn't.
hahahahah this kid is full, FULL, of contradictions.
also, if trolls hijack the thread
ignore them, or else they still win

i think just out of courtesy we should give him one more chance,
maybe this could be a warning thread

but if he continues to be terrible, be the bigger person
because it's just terribly sad to argue over the internets

seriously - srsly

i read the other thread you guys wrote in

i think we should all remember that mohawks don't necessarily automatically mean


i would like to see a world where people can set differences aside:

punk is not definite... thats why it's punk

labelling yourself punk isn't very punk either

i frown on being an "elite" punk, as nobody is better than anybody else, because like it or not we are all human :P
(chuck norris is an exception though, he's just awesome)

hip hop and rap, in actual pure forms can be pretty awesome
i do listen to many of those artists like Run DMC, Wu Tang Clan, Crystal Method
but on the other hand i can listen to Operation Ivy, Rancid, Sublime, Propagandhi
and go even farther back to stuff like The Specials, and the Skatalites
don't forget Metallica and Rammstein as well \m/

kids who want to be thugs, shoot up hoods, shoot up eachother, go to prison etc or become the scum of society
thats no good though

on the other hand, you can be no better than these kids if you're always hating people that will never be "pure" enough to the cause. That is terrible, compare it to facism.. specifcally the evil nazis.. they killed and disowned those who weren't "pure enough"

people will always be human right?

i hope that you guys could be a bit more tolerant towards people that "piss you off", sometimes being nice opens new doors

i also think that chief should get his facts straight in his potentially flawed arguement regarding mohawks, race, music etc

knowledge is power i guess

i'm trying not to take sides, but thats my 2 cents
Woops I replied to his thread before I saw this, but I won't again.
i suspect that t3h chi3f is either a really bad troll or actually acts like that, i find it hard to believe but if he


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