Mohawks Rock

ok help me write a hardcore song about mohawks, my new band will learn it and play it next gig, then we will video it and post it here.

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- I like pussy juice in my mohawk
- ill skull fuck u with my hawk
I want you inside of me.....
wow, where did u want her to go in? lol
What What, In the butt?
I will not be talked about as if im some piece of property!!! No one has dibs on me... I am no one's anything and i will not be shared... =P
fine! share us then
Dont write a song about your hair...
Dont get your band to play a song about your hair..
And dont post a video of your band playing a song about your hair..

i wont write a song about my hair
i wont get a band to write a song about my hair
i wont post a video of my band playing a song about my hair
i will however, write a song about mohawks
i will play the song about mohawks
and i will post a video of it
its not my hair its about the style in general

fuck off.
I think this is a great idea.

The original tagline of this site was "Be brave it and Shave it". That might make for a good chorus to start working around.

{chanting building to crescendo chorus}
I've got gel,
I've got spray
I wear boots

Erect hair
Thats my play
10 feet tall
all the way

{fast and then faster into a yell}
You want it
I got it
You need it
Just do it... Be Brave it and Shave it! Be Brave it and Shave it!! {mosh pit music here}

I dunno, hard to write the sound of the music out in lyrics, but maybe its something to go with. The versus is very short 3 syllables rhyming on lines 2 and 4. Should create a very short choppy sound that builds into the crescendo of be brave it and shave it.

Should be easy for others to write versus too with a structure laid out.
this sounds great man, i can definitely get this worked out!
i think this will absolutely be the base of the song lyrics


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