Mohawks Rock

Every year 100,000 people around Australia shave off or colour their hair to help raise money and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation in what's called The Worlds Greatest Shave. I thought it was a worthy cause.

8:50am: I'm almost at work. I'm coming up to the stage at the shopping centre and there's a few people setting up chairs and a table. I'm fairly certain they saw me and my spikes walk past on the way to the escalator to get to work.

9:10am: I've made sure that my department looking as sexy as I am ;P~~.
Photos taken of the front display for head office

9:30am: It's quiet and I'm a bit thirsty. I let my co-workers know that I'm going to get a drink. On the way I chat to a friend who also works in the centre. She has seen the setup downstairs and says that I should colour my hair. One colour per spike. I let her know that if they raised enough, I would have even let them shave off the spikes. I decide I'll talk to the ladies at the table first.

9:34am: On the escalator down to the place I buy my iced chocolate, the ladies at the Worlds Greatest Shave table are ALL watching me. I see on their face that they are determined to get me involved somehow. I also know that it wasn't going to take much to convince me either. I'm such an attention whore.
I get to the bottom and I have a chat. They definitely want me to leave my hair as it is :D. I let them know that I'm only on a very quick break, but if the manager at work lets me take some time, I'll be back with my camera. The ladies are very happy. I quickly get a drink and get back to work.

9:40am: I mention to the manager what is happening downstairs. I tell him that I'll take a much shorter lunch break to make up for the extended one I'm going to take. He's happy. My co-workers are informed of what's happening. Grab my camera and I'm going down the escalator again.

9:43am: I'm filling in my details on the sheet and giving them $20 (minimum for colouring is $10). Seated and a big orange cover is on me. The guy next to me has just started a shave. Suddenly I hear someone on a loudspeaker announcing his astonishment at my hair. The guys from one of the local radio stations is here (I think they are from one of them). The crowd love it. The ladies that are donating their time for this cause are loving it too. What colours do I want? The brightest ones they have, and one of them has to be pink :P
5 colours are chosen - one per spike. Red, Blue, Green, Pink and Orange. Soon I'm done. The orange is dripping all over my shirt, but I don't care. I'm doing my part to help and make people aware. They want me to pop back down later to re-colour the orange. Lots of smiles and a nod of the head from the radio guy as I make my way back to work. Quickly pop into my friends store to show her. She loves it. So are her customers and staff. I'm trying not to hit any of the posters hanging from the ceiling, especially while the colours are still drying a little.

10am: Workmates are impressed and customers are all staring. An elderly lady on her way out of the store quickly taps my arm and asks if I coloured it for cancer (i.e. to help the Leukaemia Foundation). Yes indeed. She's proud and lets me know, leaving with a big smile on her face as I turn and hit a low hanging sign, causing a few customers to try to stifle a giggle.

1pm: I let a few people know that I'm off to quickly get some food and ask them to cover my department. Back down the escalator. I've decided not to re-spray the orange spike. It's already started to fall apart a little (I rushed it this morning) and more colour won't help. As soon as I get to the table the lady on the microphone (She's also from the radio station according to her shirt) sees me and immediately wants to talk to me too. Some questions about my hair and a couple relating to the cause and she's happy. Quickly back to work.
On the way back I get a tap on the shoulder. A young girl wants a photo of my hair.

All day customers are staring. I see a number of children with their hair coloured and a few guys with shaved heads.
I'm always happy to support a worthwhile cause.

Photos uploaded

Views: 29

Comment by sandman on March 24, 2009 at 3:45pm
sounds awesome and all for a good cause (Y)
looks good too


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