"Holy shit the internet is dead but this site still lives!"
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bGZ4QwEpZ0&feature=player_embedded A small local movie project for young women…Continue
Started Mar 21, 2011
Tossema has not received any gifts yet
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Happy B-Day!
i'm doing okay---just waiting for something to happen... is london as overcast as they act? it seems like it would be neat. and i would request the video to be put back up!
hey! i showed that video you had on your youtube of "morning gymnastics in macedonia" to a friend at about this time last year, sha asked me about it today and i was sad to see its not up anymore.... :(
how are your adventures going?
also, i txtd you, but dont know if you'll get it, but do you want to jam tonight if youre free?
oh yea thats cool, definitely down to jam with you, im sure your lyrics are fine but yea, lets hang out and be musically inspired at some point. what is going on with the squat? are you still living there?
i dont know if you're still online, but i'm heading into covent garden/charing cross to have a look at guitars today. if you want to come along give me a txt or a call on 07411-803291.
i just have to say how amazing your hair is.
i don't know you .. or anything,
but you really are amazing!!
keep up the hair ! :D
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