Mohawks Rock

  • Male
  • Memphis, TN
  • United States
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  • Ozzy The JOCO Punk (A)(A)
  • Steven ramirez
  • Mitch Garlick
  • mike
  • Alexandera Vanity
  • Oliver Urelind
  • Kyle Matt Compeau
  • Charleymander
  • Stine Egeberg Dahlsen
  • steven Burke
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Sonny's Discussions

The Misfits last show with Graves

Does anybody have or know where I can find the video? I've heard that its out there and I'm itching to see it.

Started Sep 5, 2011

Help me out, is Don Bolles in prison?
4 Replies

He went to jail but he got out right?my friend insists that everyone just kinda said fuck it and left him thereContinue

Tags: drugs, prison, germs

Started this discussion. Last reply by Toker Aug 7, 2011.

DIY Hair Bleach
1 Reply

anybody know an affective sehr gut recipe? im just in a real DIY mood i guess

Started this discussion. Last reply by Peter Puke Jul 27, 2011.

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Profile Information

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Im just a guy from Memphis.

I like punk music mostly. My favorit bands are the Germs, Sublime, Leftover Crack, the Star Fucking Hipsters, the Oi! Scouts and so on.

While music is my absolute favorite form of media, and what I intend to base my life around, I also love movies. My favorites are The Pianist, all the Jay and Silent Bob movies, Star Wars, The Jacket, the Hannibal series, King Kong (original and newest). Yeah, Adrien Brody is my favorite actor.

I Really Like Pumpkin pie and pizza. Just cuz Im from the south does not mean every soda is called coke. I don't even drink coke.

I am very dedicated to my girlfriend Emily, who I love more than anything in the world. That is why, despite how much i love sex, I don't cheat.

I like to drink, but who doesn't?

I don't smoke or do any drugs.

I doubt anyone cares about this shit, but im bored as fuck.
ok im done now.
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
without it im 5'9

with it im 6'3 or 6'4
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Sonny's Blog

Sid Vicious

Some peopole love him. Some people HATE him. Those that hate him always tease those that love him. They say things likes, "he couldn't play." or maybe, "he was just a heroin addict." or maybe even, "he killed his fucking girlfriend."

Well the fact is that the draw of sid vicious isn't his music. It wasn't good. (exception: his cover of My Way. I love it.) When Malcolm Mclaren assembled his little puppet show that we call the sex pistols, he never could make Sid do as he said. Sid was… Continue

Posted on October 31, 2011 at 2:57am

I'm a rich punk

I get more and more shit for this. People think I'm the worst thing to ever walk the planet for being a rich punk. Yeah? SO WHAT? I come frome an upper middle class family. Growing up they gave me just about anything they could imagine I would like to have. My mother is a succesful lawyer. My father is a succesful social worker and co-owner of a company that helps abused children (this is ironic, but maybe I'll get into that another time). I'm ok with these things. Why should it be my parents… Continue

Posted on September 1, 2011 at 11:12pm — 6 Comments

Her name was Damn Cat. RIP

Goodnight D.C. You were the best cat I've ever had. You have no idea how much I'll miss you. Most of all I'll miss the way you seemed to talk to me whenever you meowed. I love you so much. RIP.

Posted on August 15, 2011 at 11:07pm — 4 Comments

Specter the dog

I went to the movies with my girlfriend and left my dog inmy gated backyard's gated pool area. She dropped me at my house, but said "where's Specter?" I said, "dont worry about him.." I turned my head to see him standing a few ft from the car. I finnished with"hes right there."

Posted on July 25, 2011 at 11:37pm

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At 2:12pm on October 19, 2012, Kobalos said…

Oh, I cared about the profile text and with the King Kong movies now I wonder what you like about them?  I liked Clerks 1 & 2 with Silent Bob & Jay - esp. the car scene at the start of the 2nd one.  And I don't think I've ever had pumpkin pie - going to Google that next.


What you been up to over the summer, btw?  How's the Solovairs holding up?

At 4:48pm on March 28, 2012, Kobalos said…

Have a great birthday, man! =)

At 6:54am on March 23, 2012, Kobalos said…

Looks like I'm now in the same boat as you were last month.  Bought an 'as-new' pair of boots off ebay last weekend and now waiting for them to arrive. =D


Waiting on the post is frustrating. heh  Even short times.  How's life treating you?

At 1:13pm on February 21, 2012, Kobalos said…

Yeah, the whole laces meaning thing is in the past and it's just silly these days - you wear what you like.  That'll be pretty smart with the white on red.


I've still not broken in my docs from my pics - but then I only wear them very rarely.  They say the best way is to put on double socks and wear them daily inside to break them in quicker and less painful than outside.  I used to get huge blisters on the heel with my docs, really sore too.


You old grinders will probably seem so easy to put on, compared - until you wear in the solovairs for a few weeks regular.

At 12:16pm on February 20, 2012, Kobalos said…

Glad you got them safely (and quickly) this time.


Thanks for letting me know that the treads are different to DMs.  I'm guessing they're like the ones in that vid I posted.  Hope you enjoy stomping about in them and they break in easily. :)


The darker red sounds alright.  What colour of laces?

At 10:49pm on February 12, 2012, Ozzy The JOCO Punk (A)(A) said…

from where?

At 2:44am on January 16, 2012, Kyle Matt Compeau said…
Hey thanks for the request man, good taste of music to
At 6:29pm on January 3, 2012, Kobalos said…

Hers actually look a lot better than the ones in the shop pic!  Pretty excellent looking for vegetarian fake-leather too.

Thanks for pointing them out to me :)

At 6:02am on November 23, 2011, KHAAOS said…

Hahah, yeah, it turns out I have become tumblr famous!

Getting loads of followers every day.

At 6:00pm on September 20, 2011, Toker said…
dude whta5s sup man

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