Mohawks Rock

Sonic Architect
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  • United States
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Goodbye Friends
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Erika Hysterica Dec 10, 2008.

Another movie - Ground Noise and Static
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Segadoway Nov 11, 2008.

The End of America movie
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Segadoway Nov 12, 2008.

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Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past
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In a Relationship
About Me:
I care not for labels and stereotypes. I look like a "punk" but I make ambient, noise and power electronics and have NEVER been drunk or wasted on anything in my entire life. I love funeral doom metal, drone music, and anti-music such as noise and power electronics and I have a mohawk, spikes, and bullets.

I believe anybody committed to a genre/stereotype as an absolute is an insecure person. Speaking on absolutes, I believe in very few of them. This is an updated belief recently from believing in none, when a friend said I like dealing in absolutes with a comment saying any president is a bad one. I realize now my arrogance and ignorance in claiming there are no absolutes so here is one absolute I believe in: Capitalism, and any form of government that empowers itself by exploitation of its citizens while never letting them have any say in their lives, is absolutely harmful to us as humans and as a society and it has absolutely failed.

Blanket statements such as "All rap sucks" or "Emo sucks" are just that, BLANKETS that mask ones insecurity and intolerance even though most of those people will claim to be "informed" and fighting for "equality." Keep telling yourself that. *note that this extends beyond music to religions, factions, people etc. When it comes to things like politicians, police officers, fascists, I believe one must understand that these people are programmed that way. That was instilled in them through "heritage" or upbringing. Societal environments build our characters, they are not written in our DNA. While I will agree a fascist is a very bad thing, they are human as well as you or I and have been exploited. Politicians and law enforcement are also human and while a lot of them end up in power trips, it is the position we must eradicate, not the people.

Everybody is a hypocrite somehow. To live your life completely by your ideals or ethics is to live extremely painfully. I hate corporate control and all the shady shit that has come with it, but to refuse to use ANY product that is made by a company that is not doing SOMETHING vile is impossible. Especially for those in the lower socio-economic class who are feeding children or families. Not everybody can dumpster dive and squat. Please keep that in mind.

Otherwise, I am happy and sad. I am calm and passive yet one of the angriest and most intense people you may meet. Treat me with respect and I will return the courtesy.

How did you find
how did it find me?

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Comment Wall (50 comments)

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At 5:59pm on June 28, 2009, Russell scott Ash said…
i also carry with me alot of hate but my baby girls are my release still like your some of your beleifs
At 11:52pm on April 13, 2009, Clint Casualty said…
long time no hello'
More like a year and no hello ay?
At 8:51pm on March 30, 2009, Hillary Becker said…
You have a new crush! Click here to see if you're compatible!
At 1:20am on March 28, 2009, Khaos said…
Psssst - saw your post in the oi! bands thread.

It always surprises me when I see people who know copyright chaos!
Have you heard the news though? If you can make it to CT next weekend, come see their last show!
At 12:35am on November 13, 2008, Josh said…
wow thanks for the post.... i ended up watching all three parts. its a real eye opener. i get mad that it took veterans being among the protestors for the police to keep their hands off the pepperspray. no one can excuse assaulting a veteran these days. we should all have that much respect for eachother.
At 1:16pm on October 26, 2008, Street Rat said…
Alright I'll be sure to add you. I come and go fairly often. I don't really stay in one place very long. And i can only get on when i find a place with a free Internet connection that i can hook my laptop up to. But I'll be sure to send you a message when i get the chance.
At 9:54pm on October 22, 2008, None of your business said…
No problem, you yourself seem to be a very intellectual person. I have been reading some of your comments and actually find myself analyzing them. You are the one of the first people who actually makes me think, which is good. Your comments are well versed and actually make a case rather than an arrogant unsupported statement. I get annoyed with “anarchists” who go around and just scream destroy the government. Then, you ask them a simple question about the principles of anarchism and they have absolutely no interpretation or depth of knowledge of what they are screaming about. It is frustrating.

Yeah I try not to get too wasted…things to do, thing to spray paint, people to convince about the evil of the government and People. I went to get gas tonight and I got called a “traitor” and a “domestic terrorist” and was then told the government should “put a black bag over my head”. Wow, and people think I’m nuts.

As for the education, yeah I got degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry. This frustrates many “punks” because they say that I am somehow running contrary to punk ideology because I got educated at a institution of higher learning. Yes granted the institution itself is exploitative, I feel it every time I spend that monthly pound of flesh to pay it off. However, I never attended the education institution with motives to exploit with my degrees. I know most people will use their degrees to exploit monetarily and some will turn in to fucking managers. But I have turn down $70,000 engineering jobs and currently work at a gas station. Voluntarily!! because I don’t want to exploit with my degrees.

I’m sorry, I just realized that I was talking about myself too much. Anyway, Tell me more about yourself. You seem like the most interesting person I have met in a while.

Keep well and keep fighting brother
At 9:12am on October 22, 2008, Juggalo MaggotFace said…
Whats up.
You seem like a cool person.
At 11:26pm on October 21, 2008, Skittles said…
Very welcome.
Yeah man, grow it out, it looks sweet.
At 1:19am on October 18, 2008, Skittles said…
Dig your hawk, and also your vandalism.

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